Wednesday, September 15, 2010

blogs vs wikis

Blogs and wikis are both used as different tools on the internet. Anyone can use either tool in a variety of ways.
Blogs can be used as the news. It does not have to be formal news as found in a newspaper article but as personal news as well. As explained from the video, blogs are considered news to anyone who did not know the information before hand. Blogs are spread all over the internet and anyone can find and read them. In addition, people can comment on blogs. As quoted from the “Blogs in plain English” video, “blogs make the news a two-way street.” People will continue to comment on the blog and discuss the topic. One classroom activity for blogs is to propose an argument and allow students to comment with their own opinions. For example, the teacher can write in their blog saying “pizza is the best tasting food in the world.” Students can comment on the post either agreeing with the statement or disagreeing.
Wikis are very different from blogs. Anyone can go on a wiki and change the information on it. Whereas a blog, only the one user can change the information, unless stated otherwise. As quoted from the “Wikis in plain English” video, “It’s as easy as erasing a word and rewriting it.” As also explained from the video, wikis are a good way to add on or eliminate information. They are good for providing information to people. It can coordinate an event or just give out general information. One classroom activity for wikis is organizing a class trip. Students will have to use the wiki to say who can go, what they need to bring and who can bring what. Also, the students will have to show links as to where good places to go are.
Although there are many differences from blogs and wikis, there are many similarities to the two tools. Both tools take place on the internet. There is no hard copy of anything, unless printed out. Also, both tools are used to provide readers with information. Lastly, blogs and wikis are similar because people can update them at anytime they want.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Animoto Video

Create your own video slideshow at

technology in the classroom

I like the idea of having a classroom website. The most important part to having a website is the student page. If a student misses something from class they can look on the website to find it. For example, if they need to re look at what the homework is suppose to be, a syllabus can be provided for them. It can also have links to activities that would be good reinforcements to the material that was covered in class. Also, the link can have rubrics on them so the student knows exactly what needs to be done on assignments.

I do think teachers should integrate technology into their instruction. The students are eventually going to have to learn the technology in everyday life, so it would not hurt to start during class time. However, the teachers should not hold the students responsible to getting the latest technology. Some students would not be able to afford it and it could be difficult to buy.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010



My name is Ashley Ruggiero and I am a sophomore at University of Hartford. I am majoring in Elementary and Special Education. I am in Relay For Life and plan on joining CAT. I live in Manchester and I commute to school. In my spare time I enjoy running. I am hopefully running a marathon in two years.