Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Digital Story Reflection

  • What would you do differently if you could do it all over again? Are these changes based on feedback from your peers?
If I could do this all over again, I would make my video longer. I felt it was too short and did not get the full effect of a first grade class. If i made it longer, I would have been able to add more pictures and more ofthe music would have been played. This change is not based on feedback from my peers. They felt the timing was fine, however I disagree. I think I could have made it at least 30 seconds to a minute longer.
  • How would you implement a digital storytelling project in your class? Do you (will you) have the resources, time, and skills necessary to include such a project in your classroom?
I think the best way to implemet a digital story in my class is for a history lesson. My peers had done their project on the Vietnam War and the 1950s. I thought digital stories worked well for those because you could visually see what happened during that time. They also played music from that time so students watching could have a good understanding as to what happened. In my future classroom, I do not think I will use a digital story. I feel as though I will have the resources because it is easy to find information from books or the internet however, I do not have the time or skills to make a digital story with good components. It took me a really long time to make my digital story, and it was only a 2 minute video. I thought it was an average video and that I could have added more to it. Unfortunately since my skills are inadequate, it took a longer time. I wish I could add a digital story in my future classroom but since I do not have the proper skills or handle on the program, it would take up more time.
  • Did you learn anything new from the process?
From this process, I learned that I really enjoy learning through visuals. Some of the pictures used in my peer's video, were good images of what happened in their video. I think some of my future students may enjoy learning with a video as well. Although I do not have the skills or time, I will attempt to make a good video for my students. I will at least try to see if it is an effective way of learning the material before completely blowing it off.
  • What did you like most/least about this project?
The thing I liked most about the project was seeing the final project. It took a really long time to coordinate pictures and music onto the program and once it was done, I was really amazed as to how it all came together in the end. Another thing I liked was adding the pictures to the program. It was really simple to load them on and it loaded quickly. Other programs I have been on take a long time to load pictures but this one did not. The thing I liked least about this project was I could not pick a topic. I could not find something which I could portray an actual story. I ended up choosing welcome to first grade because I plan on teaching a first grade class in the future. Another thing I did not like about the project was the difficulty in adding the music. I tried numerous times to upload music but I could not get it to upload. I ended up getting music on my project when I went to class early and had a classmate, Sarah help me upload it.

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