Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Screencast Reflection

I thought our group worked together very well. Everyone was positive and we all got along. The only negative part was that nobody wanted to speak right away in the video. But other than that, everything worked out. We were able to work efficiently to finish our project. I am very satisfied in how our screencast came out.

Most of the feedback received on the google form was positive. There were many high ratings given to us. I believe the feedback was useful because we know for next time what we will need to improve. There was one comment which stated they were already familiar with our artifact, so they gave us a low rating. I did not find that to be fair because we were suppose to only show the basics of powerpoint and we did not know how advanced everyone was. I believe if we were to do the screencast again with more advance tools, we would have addressed their issue.

The process of creating the challenge artifacts was very easy. The videos provided an easy step by step process. The only difficulty was the different computers and versions of programs. My Microsoft excel is an older version so when trying to do that screencast, I had a hard time finding where buttons were located.

The screencasts created by the other groups were useful. I had already been familiar with the challenge artifacts but it was a nice review. In the excel artifact, I was not sure how to use the formula to compute the numbers into letter grades. I think that will be helpful for when I am a teacher because it is more efficient.

I believe anyone can really benefit from the use of screencasts. As a future teacher, I believe I will be able to show a screencast video to any of my students and they will be able to use it. Screencasts are very good visuals to provide students. They can be used in many different subjects as well.

I really like screencasts because they are helpful in doing step by step processes. I like that I can pause the video, do the step and then play it again. It is also helpful because you can replay the video as many times as you need. I will definitely consider using screencasts in the future. They are extremely beneficial.

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